Total Medals Earned: 171 (From 51 different games.) Total Medal Score: 2,405 Points
Medals Earned: 4/8 (20/90 points)
first time calculating
what is 9 plus 10
calculate 5 times
calculate 10 times
find the cupan
r u ok
get random cantaloupe result
Medals Earned: 9/10 (90/190 points)
Enter The First Level of Hell
Enter The Second Level of Hell
Enter The Third Level of Hell
Enter The Fourth Level of Hell
Enter The Fifth Level of Hell
Enter The Sixth Level of Hell
Enter The Seventh Level of Hell
Enter The Eigth Level of Hell
Enter The Ninth Level of Hell
Find and kiss the secret poster
Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/160 points)
kill the first boss
find and kill a miniboss
buy somethign in the shop
Kill the second boss
find it
Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/195 points)
play bug ball 3D !!
complete the EASY course!
complete the MEDIUM course!
complete the HARD course!
get an S rank on any course
get an S rank on every course
complete any course with the "mirror world" modifier enabled
complete any course with the "overdrive" modifier enabled
read the credits
Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/240 points)
Start the game
Get a game over
End a game with at least 20,000 points
End a game with at least 10,000 points
End a game with at least 30,000 points
Destroy 1000 hazards
Visit the info screen
Destroy 10,000 hazards
Visit the scores screen
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)
Complete 4 levels.
Complete 8 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 16 levels.
Complete 20 levels.
Complete 24 levels.
Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/180 points)
Hit play button for the first time.
Win for the first time.
Win five times.
Win ten times.
Symbolize number 123
Medals Earned: 4/7 (60/235 points)
Survive the Disk Wheel for 10 seconds
Die in Discwheel
Survive the Disc Wheel for 30 seconds
Survive the Disc Wheel for OVER A MINUTE
Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/405 points)
Spell 1 word in a single game
Spell 5 words in a single game
Spell 10 words in a single game
Spell 15 words in a single game
Spell 20 words in a single game
Spell 25 words in a single game
Complete a daily game
Complete 5 daily games
Complete 10 daily games
Complete 20 daily games
Reach a depth of 1,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 2,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 3,000 ft.
Reach a depth of 4,000 ft.
Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)