
sentientvoid's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 171 (From 51 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 2,405 Points

awesome calculator

Medals Earned: 4/8 (20/90 points)

First 5 Points

first time calculating

IDK 5 Points


Get it. Lol 5 Points

what is 9 plus 10

times 5 5 Points

calculate 5 times

times 10 10 Points

calculate 10 times

cupan 10 Points

find the cupan

times 20 25 Points

r u ok

cantalupe 25 Points

get random cantaloupe result

Ben Stiller's 3D Tour of Hell

Medals Earned: 9/10 (90/190 points)

Limbo 10 Points

Enter The First Level of Hell

Lust 10 Points

Enter The Second Level of Hell

Gluttony 10 Points

Enter The Third Level of Hell

Greed 10 Points

Enter The Fourth Level of Hell

Wrath 10 Points

Enter The Fifth Level of Hell

Heresy 10 Points

Enter The Sixth Level of Hell

Violence 10 Points

Enter The Seventh Level of Hell

Fraud 10 Points

Enter The Eigth Level of Hell

Treachery 10 Points

Enter The Ninth Level of Hell

*Smooch Sound Effect* 100 Points

Find and kiss the secret poster

Binding of Isaac DEMO

Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/160 points)

Basement 10 Points

kill the first boss

Master of Sins 25 Points

find and kill a miniboss

Money well spent 25 Points

buy somethign in the shop

Cave 50 Points

Kill the second boss

Secret room 50 Points

find it

Bug Ball 3D

Medals Earned: 2/9 (10/195 points)

Pillbug 5 Points

play bug ball 3D !!

Yellow 5 Points

complete the EASY course!

Red 10 Points

complete the MEDIUM course!

Beach Bug 25 Points

complete the HARD course!

Dodgeball 10 Points

get an S rank on any course

8 - Ball 100 Points

get an S rank on every course

Glass 10 Points

complete any course with the "mirror world" modifier enabled

Tennis 25 Points

complete any course with the "overdrive" modifier enabled

the bron 5 Points

read the credits

Cavern Collapse

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/240 points)

Bold Beginnings 5 Points

Start the game

Decimating Death 5 Points

Get a game over

Serious Scorer 25 Points

End a game with at least 20,000 points

Modest Miner 10 Points

End a game with at least 10,000 points

Spectacular Spelunker 50 Points

End a game with at least 30,000 points

Hazard Hooker 10 Points

Destroy 1000 hazards

Informed Intellectual 5 Points

Visit the info screen

Special Spiker 100 Points

Destroy 10,000 hazards

High-score Heathen 5 Points

Visit the scores screen

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

8 Levels 10 Points

Complete 8 levels.

12 Levels 25 Points

Complete 12 levels.

16 Levels 25 Points

Complete 16 levels.

20 Levels 50 Points

Complete 20 levels.

24 Levels 100 Points

Complete 24 levels.

Color Cats

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/180 points)

What does this button do? 5 Points

Hit play button for the first time.

You are a winner! 10 Points

Win for the first time.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

And again 25 Points

Win five times.

Mighty ten 25 Points

Win ten times.

123 challenge 100 Points

Symbolize number 123


Medals Earned: 4/7 (60/235 points)

10 Second Survivor 5 Points

Survive the Disk Wheel for 10 seconds

A little off the top 5 Points

Die in Discwheel

30 Second Survivor 25 Points

Survive the Disc Wheel for 30 seconds

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Disc Champion 100 Points

Survive the Disc Wheel for OVER A MINUTE

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/14 (5/405 points)

Baby's First Word 5 Points

Spell 1 word in a single game

First-grade Vocabulary 10 Points

Spell 5 words in a single game

Spelling Bee Amateur 25 Points

Spell 10 words in a single game

Passed English Class 50 Points

Spell 15 words in a single game

Word Miner 100 Points

Spell 20 words in a single game

Dictionary 100 Points

Spell 25 words in a single game

Daily Winner 5 Points

Complete a daily game

Daily Master 10 Points

Complete 5 daily games

Daily Champion 10 Points

Complete 10 daily games

Daily God 25 Points

Complete 20 daily games

Scratching the Surface 5 Points

Reach a depth of 1,000 ft.

Spelunker 10 Points

Reach a depth of 2,000 ft.

Deep Diver 25 Points

Reach a depth of 3,000 ft.

Hollow Earth 25 Points

Reach a depth of 4,000 ft.

Eat Spajeje 2: Back for Seconds

Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!